Monday, January 25, 2010

Sonic Bomb Have You Ever Heard A Sonic Boom? How Did You React To It?

Have you ever heard a sonic boom? How did you react to it? - sonic bomb

I live in Orlando, FL. I've just heard, the ferry comes and makes two very strong sonic booms as they come into the atmosphere. It is so loud, it sounds like bombs or grenades (arms) fire.
Anyway, I have served in Iraq and PTSD. I do not think that the bus come today and I was a bit scared. I think that probably afraid of hell from a few tourists to Disney World.
But how do you react when you heard aloud a sonic boom?


jehen said...

The sound is a bit surprising, but strange. Anyone who has heard, knows exactly what it is. Use the secret of his little room for fear. I had a late lunch with a large group of friends, many from out of town when we heard the sonic boom today. Some had never heard before and thought something exploded and shook the windows of the restaurant.

Emily said...

I lived in this area all my life, and the noise does not bother me. It blows me something, but then I realize what it is and go about my business

Bob H said...

It sounds like a thunderbolt to me. They do not do not bother me at all.

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